Our Mission, Your Progress

Free online tutoring for students with need. Always.

Progress, Not Perfection

It is important for students to realize that grades and test scores are only numbers, not their identity. When people make mistakes, it is not a failure but an opportunity for growth. That's why we focus on making progress, not perfection, according to growth mindset theory.

A Global Force for Good

Just like inequality, our mission knows no borders. We help students learning anywhere across the globe, making free online tutoring available to all who may be living on the margins. Open access is what we do best.

Tutoring by Students for Students

Since our volunteer university tutors are unpaid, their only priority is student success. Together, our tutors and team strive to further our mission.

Progress for Educational Equity

No one should have to pay for great educational services to succeed, especially those with financial need or lack of access. Progress Point Tutoring takes this ideal seriously: our services are absolutely free.

Connect With Us

Follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on our latest progress. #NoStudentLeftBehind

Contact Us

Please share any questions, comments, or suggestions you have with us at info@progresspointuttoring.org.